Start Smart Songs For 1's 2's & 3's CD

Product Description
Toddler songs are fun, short, and simple. Each song reinforces an important early development skill from one of four important areas of early brain development wiring areas: physical, social-emotional, cognitive and language learning. The activities in the comprehensive guide provide plenty of “practice” opportunities for children to reinforce the skills they need to learn, at the most optimal time in their development. These lively songs are fun, short, and simple. Give your children a healthy and strong foundation for lifelong learning. Comprehensive guide.
AGES: 1 to 3
ISBN-10: 1-56346-138-2
ISBN-13: 978-1-5634-6138-5
Song Title
1. Higglety, Piggety, Pop! (Language)
2. Thelma Thumb (Development)
3. My Hands On My Head
4. Opposites
5. Where, Oh, Where Has My Little Dog Gone?
6. It's A Very Simple Dance To Do (Motor)
7. Little Ants (Development)
8. I Wiggle
9. Can You Move With Me?
10. Old Gray Cat
11. Rainbow Dancers (Thinking Skills)
12. On the First Day of Summer
13. This Is The Way We Wash Our Face
14. I'm A Little Choo-Choo Train
15. Good Morning To You (Social)
16. If You're Surprised and You Know It (Emotional)
17. I Can, Can You? (Development)
18. Skidamarink
19. This Little Light Of Mine
2006 Early Childhood News Directors' Choice Award
2006 Dr. Toy's Best Smart Play/Smart Toy Award
2006 Parents' Choice Award Approved