We offer several ways to order products from Wagon Wheel Records
Use our easy to use secure shopping cart for quick service.
1. Select the items you wish to purchase by placing them in your cart.
2. When you’re finished shopping, click on CHECKOUT. You will then be prompted for your shipping and payment information.
3. Shortly after submitting your order you will receive an email confirming your order.
Phone Orders
(714) 846-8169
Fax Orders
Print this Order Form and fax to:
(714) 846-8169
Mail Orders
Print this Order Form and mail with payment to:
Wagon Wheel Records and Books
16812 Pembrook Lane
Huntington Beach, CA 92649
Purchase Orders
Purchase orders are accepted and can be mailed to the address above.
We accept Visa, Mastercard, Purchase Orders, Checks, and Money Orders.