Christy Lane's Celebrate America Music and Guide

Product Description
A complete show on one disk designed by international choreographer Christy Lane! Join in and bring your group, school, church, family and friends together for a special occasion of patriotism! Here are 20 quality instrumental patriotic songs to assist in your American celebration! Put the CD in your sound system for the music and then put it in your computer for a print out of the lyrics and choreography of hat routines, red ribbon routines, glow light routines, ball and hoop routines and more! (CD requires Adobe software, which you can download from the internet for free). Let freedom sing!
Recommended for all ages. Routines are choreographed for ages 5 through adult. For the general public, students and teachers.
Track List:
You’re a Grand Old Flag 2:15
Stars And Stripes Forever 3:51
Over There 2:15
National Emblem 1:49
Washington Post 2:35
Star Spangled Banner 1:15
Anchors Aweigh 1:12
Marine Hymn 1:20
Navy Hymn 1:30
The Caisson’s Go Rolling Along 1:24
Semper Fidelis 1:45
The Thunderer 2:49
Battle Hymn of the Republic 2:17
Yankee Doodle :49
Tenting Tonight 2:16
Dixie 1:22
Yellow Rose of Texas 1:38
When Johnny Comes Marching Home 1:41
The Yankee Doodle Boy 1:31
America the Beautiful 2:02
Please note: This is a CD-rom. Place it in your sound system to play the music, then put it in your computer to print the Guide.