Better Bodies And Brains - Let's Get Moving! CD

Product Description
This Dr. Jean album features songs to start your day and wake up the brain, as well as songs for stretching, breathing, and relaxing. Each song includes a vocal version, as well as a track with the instrumental version. This will allow you the opportunity to make up your own movements and exercises. Available in a 2 CD Set or DVD!
Song Titles:
Disk One
1. Time to Get Up (Vocal)
2. Time to Get Up (Instrumental)
3. Hello Friends! (Vocal)
4. Hello Friends! (Instrumental)
5. Morning Stretch (Vocal)
6. Morning Stretch (Instrumental)
7. ABC Kick Box (Vocal)
8. ABC Kick Box (Instrumental)
9. Letter Pops (Vocal)
10. Letter Pops (Instrumental)
11. Phonercise (Vocal)
12. Phonercise (Instrumental)
13. Cheering Letters (Vocal)
14. Cheering Letters (Instrumental)
15. Macarena Count to 100 (Vocal)
16. Macarena Count to 100 (Instrumental)
17. This Is the Way We Exercise (Vocal)
18. This Is the Way We Exercise (Instrumental)
19. Seven Days of Boot Camp (Vocal)
20. Seven Days of Boot Camp (Instrumental)
21. Sports Around the Year (Vocal)
22. Sports Around the Year (Instrumental)
23. Jump Up, Turn Around, Cross That Midline (Vocal)
24. Jump Up, Turn Around, Cross That Midline (Instrumental)
25. Hand Jive (Vocal)
26. Hand Jive (Instrumental)
27. I Am Slowly Going Crazy (Vocal)
28. I Am Slowly Going Crazy (Instrumental)
Disk Two
29. Chair Can Can (Vocal)
30. Chair Can Can (Instrumental)
31. My Bonnie Bounce (Vocal)
32. My Bonnie Bounce (Instrumental)
33. Wiggle Willy (Vocal)
34. Wiggle Willy (Instrumental)
35. Banana Dance (Vocal)
36. Banana Dance (Instrumental)
37. Kids on the March (Vocal)
38. Kids on the March (Instrumental)
39. Jump Rope Rally (Vocal)
40. Jump Rope Rally (Instrumental)
41. Zoo Movements (Vocal)
42. Zoo Movements (Instrumental)
43. Patty Cake Party (Vocal)
44. Patty Cake Party (Instrumental)
45. Line Dance (Vocal)
46. Line Dance (Instrumental)
47. Head, Muscles, Baby 1-2-3 (Vocal)
48. Head, Muscles, Baby 1-2-3 (Instrumental)
49. Balancing Act (Vocal)
50. Balancing Act (Instrumental)
51. Tighten and Relax (Vocal)
52. Tighten and Relax (Instrumental)
53. Tony Chestnut (Vocal)
54. Tony Chestnut (Instrumental)
55. It’s All Good! (Vocal)
56. It’s All Good! (Instrumental)